lol, ness i sjust like every other cassidy/fabolous(is it spelled wrong on purpose?)/j hood/etc. mc.
he is just another rapper. i nver thought his lyrics were anything to boast of. he isnt deep. he isnt prolific. he doesnt make anyone think. and babs... minks, coupes, etc. WOW*im so impressed. i dont hear THAT everytime a clear channel station comes on. freddie? chopper? they are the same guy, really.
and whats with the costumes? chopper wears shirts that look like dresses. fred sucks his thumb ALL THE TIME.
at the end of the day, the music sucks but the show is entertaining for those same reasons... how ironic. ignorance=entertainment!
we all seem to know the show pretty well, evenr though we cant stand them!
its always nice to have an new, lame ass group to bash on, isnt it?