

Hands Of FIRE!
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 259
Remember when that old person told you that you've got it made? We always wondered how so? It was like their perception of us was "they are a lazier generation and could never make it the way we did when we were growing up." There is some truth to that BUT comparing the difference in generations can also be misleading. Yes, it had to be tough working and doing things by hand tools vs using state of the art machinery to do it. As time passed, we steadily evolved and become more proficient in our work.

My argument with the older generation is... atleast when you came home, you got to eat a well prepared meal that was cooked on a stove. You got to kick off your shoes, sit down on the couch watch TV while the rest of the family catered to your every need. Now days, we eat too much fast food...a dinner cooked on stove is more like a special occasion. When we get home, we have 50 other things to do, very few of us can actually relax. Everything is different now. At work we're expected to do our job, be trained to do other jobs (just in case...) and our bosses dictate our time off and when we can take vacation...just to start.

So things should be easier? They're not! I'd even be so bold to say "no they are tougher now in every aspect".

Your thoughts?


The Beat Strangler
illest o.g.
I've always wondered why things are harder today compared to back then. With the technology we have, modern medicine, etc. there's no reason for any of us to be stressed out at all. But we are because of how we're using what we have, compared to back then when things got done when they got done. Today it HAS to be done NOW.

Just with technology alone, we should all be chillaxing but instead everyone's freaked out. But just use it like you're supposed to - make it work for you instead of you working for it. If you want to come home and just chill and watch tv then do that, no one says you have to check your email or run around doing tons of errands. It's all how we live our lives.


Father Timeless
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 44
Its true Dac, though some people are hard wired for the on-the-go lifestyle, where, this is an awesome time to live. Just like in the music game, its a different set of problems which is better of worse depending on how you're wired.

Its def more strenuous, we have to learn more and be more, more often. The weird thing is, with all these developments, innovations, and technological comforts, we lose our physical stamina and development, but we still have the physical stressors and responsibilities. Meaning, exercise is even more important, but we have less time for it. And we're only getting more busy, and there's only going to be more demand, I only see it getting worse


IllMuzik Mortician
ill o.g.
Agree with everything said in this thread. I once took a course in planning, and remember watching a time lapse video of change in a European city. It starts off showing the city, which is basically calm, collected, people are moving at their own pace, but then we see the introduction of trains and cars, and all of a sudden things just start moving faster, everything appears more stressful and chaotic.

Anyways, life certainly isn't easy these days, but I am thankful for the shit I do have. I don't think we really need much to be happy, but we're constantly being told that we do, and we get caught in that never ending Monday to Friday, 9-5 cycle. It really doesn't seem natural that I should have 'favorite' and 'least favorite' days of the week. Word.
Its probably because as technology replaced manual labour, and manufacturing was shipped off abroad, farming was destroyed by diseases.
All these people chasing fewer jobs just means the workplace can dictate our lives, because there are 200 other people waiting in line to take your job.

All the convenience of modern living but it hasnt made our lives better, kids spend hours staring at a mobile phone, or playing ps3/xbox games. Parents work harder and longer to pay the ever rising cost of living while wages struggle to keep up, if at all. Led into a materialistic belief that what we own defines us.
Mortgaged up, and loaned up to pay for the Mercedes so they can look successful and be accepted by the greater society as not being a failure, they will feel the pinch more than most. Those are the people that are really going to struggle, they have invested so much money into something they dont actually own and will lose everything if they are not careful or very lucky.

I consider myself lucky in a way, I have never had, so I have nothing to lose. I consider myself lucky to have the friends and family that have helped me in my time of need, its times like now for me that you find out who your friends are, and so yeah... Im lucky.


Hands Of FIRE!
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 259
Yeah it's kinda like the older generation tried but failed to do what they wanted...I can't count the times I've heard people say "your parents busted their asses so you could have a better life" yet things are still tough. I remember my boss telling me that this 2 million dollar piece of equipment that the company is buying will make my job so much easier but through attrition and streamlining, it has only made me work more. When I was hired, I ran 1 machine for 8 hours, by the time I quit, I was running five (at one time...).

Something went wrong somewhere! Today it's even worse, we're constantly being pushed and driven to do more and more. The last company that I worked for...92% of the laborers could operate 95% of all the machines in the shop. How's that making my life easier?


Father Timeless
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 44
Agree with everything said in this thread. I once took a course in planning, and remember watching a time lapse video of change in a European city. It starts off showing the city, which is basically calm, collected, people are moving at their own pace, but then we see the introduction of trains and cars, and all of a sudden things just start moving faster, everything appears more stressful and chaotic.

Anyways, life certainly isn't easy these days, but I am thankful for the shit I do have. I don't think we really need much to be happy, but we're constantly being told that we do, and we get caught in that never ending Monday to Friday, 9-5 cycle. It really doesn't seem natural that I should have 'favorite' and 'least favorite' days of the week. Word.

Word x2

Yeah it's kinda like the older generation tried but failed to do what they wanted...I can't count the times I've heard people say "your parents busted their asses so you could have a better life" yet things are still tough. I remember my boss telling me that this 2 million dollar piece of equipment that the company is buying will make my job so much easier but through attrition and streamlining, it has only made me work more. When I was hired, I ran 1 machine for 8 hours, by the time I quit, I was running five (at one time...).

Something went wrong somewhere! Today it's even worse, we're constantly being pushed and driven to do more and more. The last company that I worked for...92% of the laborers could operate 95% of all the machines in the shop. How's that making my life easier?

I think what it melts down to is, life isnt easier, the work is easier to do.


Old and dirty...
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 304
I agree with the OP

With all the advances in technology, the market has become more competitive because all these skills can be achieved easier. Now with declining jobs and the next 300 people looking in the window waiting for you to quit so they can jump in, you're busting your ass more so they don't take your spot.

In Florida it's terrible. The job market is shit, and if you don't have any type of skill or education (I have a CDL, and have had one for like 10 years, so I could get a driving job if I really needed it), you're dependent on the "who you know" thing.

I can only say that I "have". I do have a nice crib and nice things. I don't do it as a way to prove to people that I'm not a "failure", I do it because I enjoy it. I remember growing up inNYC and I didn't have SHIT, my parents didn't have shit, either...but they worked hard and when they got good careers, we were able to afford more things, and ultimately buy a house upstate.

I have nice things also because my wife is a financial genius and we can do a lot of things and she manages the money very well. IT doesn't hurt that we both do decent at our jobs in terms of wages.

I do know some people live the materialistic lifestyle to show off, but I was never one to show anything off. I don't have a lot of people come to my house. I don't care to show off all my shit. I don't like that type of attention.

We do not have it easy. Our children won't have it easy. It would only be easier if you didn't have to do shit and everything was taken care of for you....

The way my parents made my life easier was to point me in the right direction to make better choices in life. When I became an adult, it was easier to make those decisions..but in no way life itself is easier....
I can only say that I "have". I do have a nice crib and nice things. I don't do it as a way to prove to people that I'm not a "failure", I do it because I enjoy it. I remember growing up inNYC and I didn't have SHIT, my parents didn't have shit, either...but they worked hard and when they got good careers, we were able to afford more things, and ultimately buy a house upstate.

I have nice things also because my wife is a financial genius and we can do a lot of things and she manages the money very well. IT doesn't hurt that we both do decent at our jobs in terms of wages.

I do know some people live the materialistic lifestyle to show off, but I was never one to show anything off. I don't have a lot of people come to my house. I don't care to show off all my shit. I don't like that type of attention.

We do not have it easy. Our children won't have it easy. It would only be easier if you didn't have to do shit and everything was taken care of for you....

The way my parents made my life easier was to point me in the right direction to make better choices in life. When I became an adult, it was easier to make those decisions..but in no way life itself is easier....

I have nothing against people being successful, there is nothing at all wrong with being good at something and making a success from your skill/talent. Thats the whole point of hard work and reaping the rewards.

I feel sorry for the people who use credit and get themselves into debt to give the appearance of success ie living a lie.
Those are the ones who will lose.

People who are really successful are the ones we should all aspire to be, without using debt to finance a front, or "Keeping Up Appearances".

When you work hard for something you are much less likely to take it for granted and will be more careful with how you spend your money.
On the other hand when you have had everything given to you, you will tend to take it for granted.

This relates a lot to the mainstream hip hop industry also, with artists whose image commands that they spend fortunes hiring fast cars and keeping up the stereotypical image of success as a hip hop artist, lots of gold, lots of gems, lots of girls, lots of parties, lots of drugs, cars, property. That shit aint cheap, and before the artist knows it, they are broke again and in debt to their label, as they never did recoup that cash advance.

If I ever do make a successful career out of music I will always stay humble, remember where I came from, the last thing I want is fame. Fame is a curse.

I dont want too much from life, a place to live, a car and a studio. For the studio to pay for the house & the car, and for me to keep making music.

Is that much to ask?