Can you spare $5? Can you all help a brother out?

  • warzone round 3 voting begins in...

Cold Truth

IllMuzik Moderator
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 25
Here is an idea i have:

what if, once a month, we adopt an illmusician?
doesnt matter what he spends his money on, its his money
but, once a month, can e get together and just donate $5 apiece to one person that we all vote on?

actually, the main catalyst for this is fade; dude puts so much effort into this site
do we really appreciate what this man does for us?
do we really recognize the benefits of this website? do we really appreciate the community this place has given us?

for one, i would like to point out the unique nature of the site
even amidst the arguments and bullshit that inhabits ANY message bard of any kind
this is the most laid back, chill, "family" i have seen nline
like, how many posts have been made lamenting the tigh knit nature, the closeness of teh members here? e have our own little playground here

anyhow, i'm gettin my money rder tomorro morning, first thing
no paypal, my bank siutation is fuuuuuuuucked right now

but really
i'm challenging this site... i am asking for 100 members to send fade $5 bucks via paypal, mney order, whatever

can we get that many memners to take 5 bucks out of their pocket for this man?
i'd like to see a tradition started
like a regular giveaway for this, to members in time of need
cause i kn is been many times i could have usedsome assistance, and an aquantaince on another site sent me a $100 dollar check out the clear blue
now i cant afford taht shit right now, hell i had to go get assistance tokeep my electricity on
i gotta borrow to make my rent this month

but im sending fade that $5 tomorrow
i HIGHLY encourage 99 more of you to do the same
not on some guilt shit though, but just....... remember that this can come back around your way

peace fams


ill o.g.
Does Fade not make money off the site threw sponsorship of any kind ? If not I got a Couple a Toonies and a Loonie lying around

Off Topic

Damn its 6:40 am Im still up and finally felt like making a beat after like 8 months but I cant cuz my Damn Midi Cord is broken for some reason

Cold Truth

IllMuzik Moderator
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 25
im sure fade makes some money
but not nearly enough is my guess
im just sayin, if every illmuzik member chipped in ONCE a month-most of us realistically will not miss $5. whats one less #4 at mcdonalds in light of giving one lucky member a small dowry to help them out with whatever their need is?

specifically, fade should be the first recipient


willing vic to the music
ill o.g.
you know I have no problems with that,I just quit smokin' weed, my wife is pregnant,and im trying to buy a house,yet i was here when it was only 14 members. I f we need to step up then so be it, this site has given us many outlets and ave's to hook up with some very nice producers.with that said where do i send my 10bucks?

PS Fade what is up with my PM' i dont think they are working, or im being i hope it isnt the latter of the 2.

ill o.g.
Battle Points: 68
word up. Good idea Truth. I just submitted my 5. I'm sayin,,,seriously, I hate to sound like this,,but there should be nuthin to think about,,hohestly. Between the knowledge from this site and the friends made,,,shit, 5 an't shit...And yo, I know yall ot the money, I ain't the "master beat creator", but yo, yall got Motifs, MPC's, and MV's,,,and yall still suck. So I really don't wanna hear about ya money situation.


Guess Who's Back
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 9
Don't really have 5 bucks to spend right now, but I'm sending it anyway.


Guess Who's Back
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 9
Donated $5.. Wish i could donate more..

show some support.

The Bastard

ive actually been thinkin about this lately, what fade made is a website that inspired and helped so many fuckin people,im sure every single member here has profited and learned from this site, people are fuckin networking and gettin on each others tracks where otherwisse they wouldnt have even known each other existed. i know theres other production forums and whutnot and im not sure who started this shit but fades def an eauntepanour or however u spell it in my eyes. i tried donated money be4 and my bank fuckin bamboozled and embezzled money out of me so it never went thru. but since then donatin sumthin has been on my to do list and this thread kinda reminded me of it so imma make a donation this week.


Voice of Illmuzik Radio
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 83
Cold Truth said:
*just picked up my money order*
ok, now i gotta pm fade for his address

Go ahead and post that address so we can all show up at his house dressed as zombies on the 31st..That should freak him..Just stand in the yard goin"5 dooollaarrss" with the money in hand..
All 2thousand of us..That should be fun..


Guess Who's Back
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 9
Relic said:
Go ahead and post that address so we can all show up at his house dressed as zombies on the 31st..That should freak him..Just stand in the yard goin"5 dooollaarrss" with the money in hand..
All 2thousand of us..That should be fun..

That would be some funny shit. Thats some kinda bizarre, kinda going to far, type shit that i'd actually do