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Voice of Illmuzik Radio
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 83
Surprised no one posted this yet


Usually its sorta boring / alarming oil plumes shooting out, but tonight between 12 am and 1 am EST i watch a ROV (remote operated vehicle) tie a fucking knot like a mil or w/e below the surface, cool ish going on when we are asleep.

When they fix all this they need live feed underwater cameras that actually have fish in them .. that would be cool.

These dudes can drive the crap out of these ROV's though.. for real!


The Beat Strangler
illest o.g.
Apparently their latest try completely failed, so what now? I think the only other option is to let Aquaman step in and fix it. Or Superman, ya he would probably do a better job.


Voice of Illmuzik Radio
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 83
HAHA I been saying that Dac!!!

and Fade For REAL!!1 ER bosdy shits on Aquaman right???
Oh NOOOOW they screaming " WHERE IS AQUA MAN!??"
Grat point though , Aquaman would be the absolute hero though , I wish there WAS One..

I also illustrate that in the Bilble in revalation , it says about the water turining the color of blood and a third of all life in it dies...
Now I aint in church all the time I just discern...However , kinda sorta fits if they cant stop it.
I think the US may be comming to an end as the power it has been with theis new calamity.


Old and dirty...
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 304
Now we need a hurricane to disperse the oil throughout the gulf and accelerate the biodegrading process (seriously).

BP wants twitter to stop an account from constantly bashing/mocking the company in it's tweets...Twitter wants BP to stop the fucking leak....

Fuck that...Let BP go under...Let these mofuckers know!!

Big Tone

You done fucked up
ill o.g.
they are working right now. crazy shit going on under water. those rov controllers have some set of skill


Hands Of FIRE!
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 259
This is now being called "the WORST man made enviromental catastrophy ever!" It is predicted to effect all marine biology from Fla. to Texas. Thats fuggin crazy! They should make BP pay every dime of all the damages created by this. From fishing to tourism to beach towel sales! Even if it puts them out of business.


Voice of Illmuzik Radio
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 83
This is now being called "the WORST man made enviromental catastrophy ever!" It is predicted to effect all marine biology from Fla. to Texas. Thats fuggin crazy! They should make BP pay every dime of all the damages created by this. From fishing to tourism to beach towel sales! Even if it puts them out of business.

Im not sure that people ACTUALLY grasp how big this is, although you are starting to have it dawn on you.
the marine life is absolutely attached to all of us land animals continuing to breathe and live as well. If you kill off the sea life then you WILL kill off the land life , everything is put together for a reason and is connected on purpose, as the ecosystems begin to fail you are going to see it effect us..
FIRST you will see an economic impact as fishermen can no longer provide their product , then the tourism will cease putting all hotels and everything AT a beach out of business, then everything that supports those things will go out of business etc etc... And those etc's go up alot higher than one thinks at first.
THEN we have a hurricane season coming up which some think is a good thing to disperse this stuff (scientists too), IF all that oil gets "dispersed" onto the land, say from Mississippi to the Carolinas destroying all farmland inbetween because its coated with oil.
THEN no crops and the animals have nothing to eat and thus the rest of our food supply is now destroyed or at least dangerously tainted .

But at least the gulf is clear right? WRONG!

There are HUGE plumes of oil under the water that are so large they cant even calculate it.. These plumes arent going to just sit in one area , this is the Ocean.. ITS ALL LIQUID AND MOVES AROUND THE WORLD.
Therefore, its not just a gulf of mexico thing as it continues to POUR out of the ground, its going to effect the world!

I guess the dinasours have their revenge from the grave as thats all oil is in the first place.

Again I havent covered the actually chain of how this also effects the air we breathe and the atmosphere and everything else but if you research how Coral Reefs keep us all living then this is a nightmare of the level of GIANT COMET TO DESTROY EARTH.
We are going to war with the brits over this! I guarantee it!

LMAO @ americans.
They will go to war with anyone over anything.
I would like to point out that I have never nor ever will gain anything from the oil giant BP. If you want a war, take it to the Royal family, they own BP, not the average Joe, like me, we just pay the extortionate amounts they charge for fuel, which now is sure to just go up even more.
It will just be another court case that drags out for decades, just like the exxon valdez, where compensation still hasnt been paid, due to appeal after appeal after appeal.
The oil companies are immune to laws. Big oil/pharmaceuticals and big finance rules the world, but i thought you knew this.


Father Timeless
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 44
On the conspiracy theory tip, what year was a horrible disaster supposed to happen?
On the conspiracy theory tip, what year was a horrible disaster supposed to happen?

According to Revelations, in the end times there will be many horrible disasters, according the what Revelations says, about the founding of israel and the ten kings with 7 crowns(Europe) this is the end times with the anti christ around the corner.

Now if you go by Nostradamus.....
the gulf war signalled the beginning of the end times, and an object striking the hollow mountains of the new city at 45 degrees(911 - New York) also was a marker for the beggining of the end times. With much global unrest and natural disasters leading up to world war 3.

If you prefer Zacharia Sitchin.....
The tenth planet with a so many thousand year orbit will re enter the solar system from deep space, causing earthquakes and floods and havoc with the solar system right about 2012, with the problems happening in the run up to total catastrophe on 20th December 2012, bringing with it the Annunaki, an alien race who bred us with apes as slaves to gather gold for them which they collect every 27 or something thousand years.

Another nutball theory....
The solar system will align with the galactic center ushering in the age of aquarius a golden age or quickening, brought about by going either through a cleansing beam of protons emitted by the galactic center, or by entering a positive phase of the galactic cycle, with us apparently leaving a dark age which we are supposed to be at the end of.

Who do you believe?


Father Timeless
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 44
Idk but things have been getting real lately. High profile deaths happening close to each other, some old, natural, others not so much. This oil spill just strikes me as a possible catalyst or reason for so much else to happen (Wars, black balling almost what ever else the mind could conjure). Not saying that I believe really, just more so I'm keeping score lol
Idk but things have been getting real lately. High profile deaths happening close to each other, some old, natural, others not so much. This oil spill just strikes me as a possible catalyst or reason for so much else to happen (Wars, black balling almost what ever else the mind could conjure). Not saying that I believe really, just more so I'm keeping score lol

I personally think we are going to have a man made version of revelations. I do believe in a satanic cult ruling the world. According to Anton LeVay and the Church of Satan, its is all about the power of man over god, and not an actual Satan. I personally dont believe thats true, but if that is just their beliefs, then they would seek to overthrow god as ruler of man. And what better way than to use the words of said God, and engineer a revelations scenario, and really put the shits up the christians, and also muslims, as the Koran is Muhammed's interpretation of the bible.
I dont think it will be a real anti christ with magical powers, just a dictator, with supreme political power. I think the end times will be engineered, to engineer a mass wipeout event of the human race, culling what used to be 2 thirds, but now is up to 90% of the population of the earth. Allowing those that remain to create for themselves a utopia on earth, with enough natural resources to last. As by no stretch of the imagination, is there enough to go around for everyone right now.
The top scientists and minds have realised that there isnt enough to go around for a rapidly growing human populations, they came up with a plan in the 60's or 70's at Iron Mountain, since then we have had one child policies in China, man made diseases released on the general population, a rapid rise in contraception, even in young girls.
A rise in abortion. Weather modification, induced earthquakes, man made disasters(BP) And the new demon "Carbon Emissions", a way our lives will be controlled and taxed to pay for a global government framework to make this whole thing possible.
Carbon emissions is going to be used to control many aspects of our lives, including how many children you will be "Allowed" to have.
I know this sounds crazy, I believe it is crazy, but I also think after seeing a lot of evidence that points this way, I have to ask myself, but what if?


Old and dirty...
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 304
I'm in Florida...

And it looks really shitty for this state.

With unemployment here being one of the highest in the country.....this will cause a lot of businesses along the gulf coast region to shut down, therefore increasing the unemployment rate. Some of these places along the Gulf depend on tourism to survive (see Panama City). A hurricane (if the leak is stopped before it hits) can help accelerate the biodegrading process of the oil (aeration, mostly). However storm surges will bring crude oil not only into homes but into the drinking supply. It's a catch 22...

The fishing industry in the entire gulf region from FL to Texas is shot, And we're not even including other countries who share the Gulf....Just for example....MEXICO! Their tourism industry can go into shambles and already affect a very volatile economy...

A lot of people are looking at this as a oil spill....This is probably the worst environmental disaster ever....and it continues as we speak...

A lot of pressure is on the US Govt to assist....Obama's already taking heat for his "response", although it's not like he's gonna swim down there and plug the hole with an american flag....They will assist...but BP is going to have to think of something quick because this situation is beyond dire....This is going to destroy the Gulf of Mexico and turn it into toxic waste...
I'm in Florida...

And it looks really shitty for this state.

With unemployment here being one of the highest in the country.....this will cause a lot of businesses along the gulf coast region to shut down, therefore increasing the unemployment rate. Some of these places along the Gulf depend on tourism to survive (see Panama City). A hurricane (if the leak is stopped before it hits) can help accelerate the biodegrading process of the oil (aeration, mostly). However storm surges will bring crude oil not only into homes but into the drinking supply. It's a catch 22...

The fishing industry in the entire gulf region from FL to Texas is shot, And we're not even including other countries who share the Gulf....Just for example....MEXICO! Their tourism industry can go into shambles and already affect a very volatile economy...

A lot of people are looking at this as a oil spill....This is probably the worst environmental disaster ever....and it continues as we speak...

A lot of pressure is on the US Govt to assist....Obama's already taking heat for his "response", although it's not like he's gonna swim down there and plug the hole with an american flag....They will assist...but BP is going to have to think of something quick because this situation is beyond dire....This is going to destroy the Gulf of Mexico and turn it into toxic waste...

The last time I watched the news, they were saying it could take till august to fix completely.


Old and dirty...
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 304
2 months....

the oil will be spilling into the gulf...for two months MORE before they can/might fix it...Unreal..


Voice of Illmuzik Radio
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 83
Idk but things have been getting real lately. High profile deaths happening close to each other, some old, natural, others not so much. This oil spill just strikes me as a possible catalyst or reason for so much else to happen (Wars, black balling almost what ever else the mind could conjure). Not saying that I believe really, just more so I'm keeping score lol

I believe it says in revelations about the waters turning to blood and a third of all life in them dying.
Well that shit looks like blood on the surface to me.