Advice for kids being bullied


The Beat Strangler
illest o.g.


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 73
Gay rights groups are going to have a field day with this one. I don't see why there's a problem with gays being picked on in school or anywhere else. Hell they're the majority these days. What I see in these clubs makes me want to stay home for fear of the wrath of God. If I had a dollar for every gay or bi-sexual woman I've met in the last two years I could retire comfortably!


The Beat Strangler
illest o.g.
I don't know if the statement in the picture was aimed at gays, I took it as it was don't be gay, like when you call your friend a homo but you mean he's a dick, loser, asshole.

But I think the picture is hilarious. I hope people laugh at it rather than make it into something serious as is always the case today.



Old and dirty...
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 304
Of course it would be blown up...

We're at an age where all the kids get trophies, even though they suck at whatever they did...

Not preparing people for the real world, where there is true competition and very few "winners".


Father Timeless
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 44
I don't see why there's a problem with gays being picked on in school or anywhere else.

Anyone being bullied is a problem. Yes they need to learn to defend themselves, but that doesnt justify bullying.

Soooooo if some white kids where picking on some black dudes should they act less black?

Just wanted this posted again. ^^


Father Timeless
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 44
I don't know if the statement in the picture was aimed at gays, I took it as it was don't be gay, like when you call your friend a homo but you mean he's a dick, loser, asshole.

But I think the picture is hilarious. I hope people laugh at it rather than make it into something serious as is always the case today.Laugh:

Question: If someone said, dont be a Grant (hypothetical synonym for Dick, loser, or asshole) would you just laugh?

Or if you were being bullied/murdered/assaulted because your name is Grant?
Laugh? Would you be cool with that?


Father Timeless
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 44
lol rock on holmes


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 73
Anyone being bullied is a problem. Yes they need to learn to defend themselves, but that doesnt justify bullying.

ahh...the ole grab one line from someone's statement to make a

That one sentence was not saying bullying is justified. The ENTIRE statement was making the point that gays are as natural today as str8 people. U can't walk a block or go anywhere without seeing it. I think those in the gay community just make more of it than we did growing up. I can honestly state that there's not one person on the planet that has not been bullied at least once in there life and most didn't off themselves or anybody else because of it. When I moved from Cali to Ga. it was non stop. I just learned to deal with it and eventually after beating a few influential peoples ass's it stop'd. No it shouldn't have taken that but it did.

"Weaker but wiser"......that explains most kids these days. They're more wise at 8 than we were at 15 but they are weak as hell when it comes to dealing with "real" life. Put them in front of a computer, video game or iPhone and they'll run circles around u. Have them face a real life problem or situation and they melt like butter. They want the world to come to there defense when dealing with the slightest road block these days.


Father Timeless
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 44
ahh...the ole grab one line from someone's statement to make a

Quoting your one sentence may have been immoral to quote if it didnt mean the same in or out of context. I mean, you expect "I don't see why there's a problem with gays being picked on in school or anywhere else." to just go unquestioned?? for real?

lol The statement is wrong in both contexts, so I addressed it (Mainly because I didnt disagree with the rest of what you said if I recall, too lazy to reread). And as I said, it doesnt justify it, nor did the rest of what you said but also, just cause you dont see a problem doesnt mean it should be happening regardless of what good it does for SOME people (Some commit suicide).

I agree with the rest of what you said though.

As a side note, Its not gays being bullied, its people that look like a target/easy to fuck with (aside from the bigots and predjudice). If you act like prey, you will be preyed on. You dont hear about gay thugs commiting suicide, nor gay boxers etc. Its just people that shy from violence or even confrontation that get bullied.


Old and dirty...
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 304
I did that one time...a kid was bullying me in elementary one day I had enough and I blasted the kid.....kid hit his head on the coat hangers and fucked his whole shit up.... That shit stopped quick....

Bill Gates was bullied....'s a one out of a million thing, but the fact is if you use it constructively...then you can use it as fuel for motivation...

We're too soft on the youth today...All this political correctness shit is getting ridiculous....

Keep it HS or even JHS, if you're acting like a fucking gay....niggas gonna fuck with you...that's life.......LET someone even think you're gay...It's going to happen, whether is right or wrong. Children are vicious when it comes to that shit...but it's ALWAYS BEEN LIKE THAT...and it will ALWAYS BE LIKE THAT.... it's a part of a child growing up...the problem now is that kids are getting bullied in other ways with technology being the way it is.......parents must coach their kids on how to cope with these issues...

As Skid said...pops would make it a necessity to fight back.

"if you don't stand up for yourself and fight're gonna fight me...and I hit harder" - my pops.. Pops wasn't about winning or was about not taking shit from someone else and becoming someone else's bitch. If you fought back, that was the biggest battle to win, because if you or lose people gonna respect you and that "bully" will most likely stop messing with you because he's going to have to fight... Most bullies bully kids they know won't fight back....

So before I continue on this.....

If you're gay....that's gay.....prepare to be bullied....if you're "different" in any way, you will be bullied....white kids in a predominately black school...and vice's the way of the world we live in........

One more thing:

Columbine (we all remember this), they picked out the like one black kid in the school and blew his head off point blank..made it a point to do it because he was a black kid and was well liked......they shot a bunch of other kids, but they singled this kid out...

Those kids were bullied by others, and they took the most extreme measure of standing up for themselves....They had enough....I bet you those types of kids were not fucked with after that....I'm sure that whole school learned an extremely valuable lesson.


Father Timeless
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 44
I agree that its the parents. Not getting whoppins, Parents defending their kids to the death, even when they're in the wrong at school, getting every little thing handed to them, cell phones at the age of 8; They're pampered well into college sometimes. Its deep.

Columbine (we all remember this), they picked out the like one black kid in the school and blew his head off point blank..made it a point to do it because he was a black kid and was well liked......they shot a bunch of other kids, but they singled this kid out...

Those kids were bullied by others, and they took the most extreme measure of standing up for themselves....They had enough....I bet you those types of kids were not fucked with after that....I'm sure that whole school learned an extremely valuable lesson.

Those type of kids werent messed with across the country. For several classes.