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  1. H

    cant help but brag(sorry if its irrelevant for this section)

    i thought Swizz Beats made bring em out....i dont think he would b standin there next to T.I in da video if he didnt produce the song
  2. H

    Mistake Beats

    that happens 2 me all the time...just recently i was makin a beat and i had a certain sample. i was in the piano roll(i use fl) and i accidently deleted somethin and i got heated as hell but it ended up soundin hot bcuz the part wher i deleted it made a certain pause that went wit da beat perfectly
  3. H

    so what's a good college 2 go 2 that teaches music production

    Five Towns College on Long Island...its a small college but its all about music
  4. H

    percussion line

    thx that helped me out alot...i also wanna kno how to have it so a whole song or loop that ur sampling is split in to layers so i can try 2 flip it on my keyboard
  5. H

    percussion line

    im using fl and a keyboard and im just wondering if theres a way 2 get the sample that im tryna use onto the keyboard in a percussion line.
  6. H

    how would i......

    like if i found a song i liked right and i wanted 2 sample just the words to the chorus. how would i do that and how would i make the voice go up? like Kanye did in "through the wire"?
  7. H

    I have a question

    is there any other site that is similar to soundclick? just wondering because i wanna put my beats on here but ive heard people say that they got jacked for their beats. im just wonderin bcuz i really dont want that 2 happen. thx