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  1. thedreampolice

    So I think Ello is going to be huge

    The anti facebook and Tons of great creative people on there already. Its still invite only and I have some extra invites so PM your email if you want one.
  2. thedreampolice

    Reason 8!! :)

    Reason 8 is out today and it is fantastic :)
  3. thedreampolice


    Dudes insane!
  4. thedreampolice

    Great DAW reviews

    Reason #1 Best time stretch hands down! #2 fully modular routing to all devices, once you really get this, Reason becomes a giant playground. #3 Take lanes, I can have a track with a kick, snare, hat and quantize them all different inside one device. No other Daw has this and I have no idea...
  5. thedreampolice

    Great DAW reviews

    Live #1 drag and drop samples anywhere in live. #2 efficient minimal UI, #3 max4live is freaking amazing! #4 push is freaking amazing #5 non linear sequencing, once you start composing that way it gets addictive #6 drum racks!
  6. thedreampolice

    Pro Tools 8 "Could Not Allocate Space For Recording"

    You should be able to make it work as is, but on a Mac that old I would drop a new internal in no doubt!
  7. thedreampolice

    Showcase - September 22-28, 2014

    @Bi4ocal I like that track, it feels like it needs to breath a bit more. and I would but a bit more variation in it. But it goes hard! Nice! @Tylais that track is interesting. You vocals are almost in the background, I would bring them up as vocals come first especially in hip hop. Maybe make...
  8. thedreampolice

    Renaissance does IllMuzik

  9. thedreampolice

    Great DAW reviews

    ok here is a short list, this my opinion on what each one does the BEST. And I tried to only discuss useful features because honestly I dont care if I daw can export right to youtue. Of course this is subjective. But here you go. Pro tools #1 Hands down best ADR tools. #2 fantastic routing...
  10. thedreampolice

    DJ Babu - "Rhythm Roulette"

    Very cool, Looks like he made that on an ASR 10, with Pro tools in the background. Interestingly enough the beat they use for the intro was a Reason beat. Babu was a hardcore Reason user back in the day, but it seems he is more in Live now.
  11. thedreampolice

    Pro Tools 8 "Could Not Allocate Space For Recording"

    I assume you are creating the project and storing on the external and not in your my documents folder? oh and windows or mac?
  12. thedreampolice

    hard disk recorders

    Why not get a control surface for s1 and have the best of both worlds?
  13. thedreampolice

    DJ Babu - "Rhythm Roulette"

    Notice how he has a pro tools rig but makes the entire beat in Live.
  14. thedreampolice


    Welcome! If you make hip hop and don't smoke once in a while then I would be surprised! :)
  15. thedreampolice

    Tutorials 6 Ways You Can Improve Your Mixes And Make Them Awesome

    Two biggest ways to improve mixes (good article btw) #1 High pass filter, will change the game for you #2 LCR mixing, changed the game for me once I learned about it. Sometimes I would do it on my own anyway but once I learned all the theory it blew my mind Just do a quick easy mix and do...
  16. thedreampolice

    Pro Tools 8 "Could Not Allocate Space For Recording"

    No worries. Let me know if you need more help. :)
  17. thedreampolice

    Pro Tools 8 "Could Not Allocate Space For Recording"

    Go to the workspace browser and you have to click on the setting to the left of your external drive and tell pro tools to use it as an audio drive Sorry that's all from memory as I'm on my phone but that should do the trick.
  18. thedreampolice

    A song everyone should hear!! Holy SHIT

    Shhhhh Ableton live 9 is my new dish on the side....don't want reason to get jealous!
  19. thedreampolice

    A song everyone should hear!! Holy SHIT

    Wow how did I miss that???
  20. thedreampolice

    A song everyone should hear!! Holy SHIT
