I'm President Calvin Coolidge.

  • beat this! (mar 19-20) signup begins in...
Hey y'all. I'm President Calvin Coolidge (there's a character limit on the user names so that doesn't quite fit).

I'm an old man who likes to make beats. Started doing hip-hop stuff like 30 years ago. Started taking it really serious like 25 years ago as an emcee but never really made any traction and stopped after like 12 years. At some point in my life I acquired an MPC 4000. I never really learned to use it well but it was a neat studio piece. Last year, after stepping away from hip-hop for like 12 years I started doing it again. No emceeing this time, just focused on the beats and learning to use this MPC 4000. So far its been a really fun ride.

Had my eye on the beat battles for a couple of weeks now. I really want to do one. I think if I can i'll give this next one a shot.

