Not usually a fan of choppy beats but I think you pulled it off. The sounds all sound well balanced, the bass sounds a little distorted, but the distortion adds some harmonic resonances that make it sound more present on more limited speakers too. Sounds a little flappy though.
Are you side-chaining your short kick to the long bassy kick? Im noticing the most distortion when they hit together. If you side-chained the punchy kick to a compressor on the long bassy kick, you can keep the punchy kick upfront and just ducking the long one out of the way when it hits, allowing you to keep the bass high and upfront too.
I always put soft clippers on my kicks and snares/claps too. Anything with a loud fundamental. I trim each and add some saturation so that they sound as loud as they were while actually being quieter, this all comes together on the drum bus where I will use another soft clipper and/or bus compression instead of a limiter, just to glue the drum sounds together, before going into the master bus, where if I have clipped all my fundamentals properly and mostly transparently, when it comes to getting the master loud, its a breeze with yet more subtle clipping, subtle bus compression, an EQ or dynamic EQ to get the genre EQ distribution curve right, then into you guessed it another soft clipper for very subtle clipping before going into the final limiter/maximiser that shouldn't have to do any more than -6db of compression(limiting) to get my final master hitting at up to -6 to -7db LUFS for dance music or around -8 to -9db LUFS for hip hop.
May help, may not. Just thought Id explain how I go about getting things done for a loud result with minimal, controlled distortion.