Recent content by MizzHitZBeats

  1. MizzHitZBeats

    Scratch Magazine

    :( I know but I loved that mag. That's what got me into producing. Out of all my friends I was the only 15 year old chick reading Scratch while others were reading Word Up! with Lil' Romeo posters... -_- lol
  2. MizzHitZBeats

    Hi, Glad To Be Apart Of The Community

    I was recommended by someone off of
  3. MizzHitZBeats

    Scratch Magazine

    Yeah I know, but there's a huge market for producers now. They would be making bank right now. Adding a few more things here and there and revising themselves. I think they should have hung on a bit longer. It seemed like they disapperead after they saw the music industry was going through a...
  4. MizzHitZBeats

    Hi, Glad To Be Apart Of The Community

    Thanks a ton Fade! :)
  5. MizzHitZBeats

    Off Topic Is Graffiti Art Or Vandalism?

    Yep, the murals are dope. Have any of you guys seen Chris Brown's artwork? It's beautiful!
  6. MizzHitZBeats

    Off Topic Rappers Need Beef!

    Yes, I know rap is sort of built on beef or the illusion of beef. But, everyone tries to act harder than they are now a days and beef simply turns to time in jail or someone's death. Look at Gucci Mane. I believe he went to jail for attempted murder of Young Jeezy or so? Even look at the BET...
  7. MizzHitZBeats

    Industry How To Not Sound Like A Rookie, Or Fake It Until You Make It!

    Very good article. The Reverb tip was a gem. I agree with you on the "overrated" concept people have. I believe most people work hard for what they get!
  8. MizzHitZBeats

    Scratch Magazine

    Whatever happened to it? Idk, if this has been answered before but where did it go? There is certainly a market for it. Especially now, when everyone is just about indie... I was buying that bad boy every month! The only thing that made me mad about them was they'd change the covers and not...
  9. MizzHitZBeats

    Do you "songwrite" when you create a beat, or do you just make the beat?

    I usually structure the beat as a whole song. I may rap or sing to the beat to make sure that there is enough space in the track for the artist to shine. Im not the best songwriter but I've been practicing. For artists that buy beats online. They don't care much about the hook as long as it's...
  10. MizzHitZBeats

    Nice music production tips

    Those are some great tips. Thanks a ton for sharing that gem right there! i really like the tip on the Reverb. Im going to brush up on Reverb. Haven't mastered the use of it yet.
  11. MizzHitZBeats

    looking for producers

    Cool, Ill check back and see what I can do! Got an email I can send them to?
  12. MizzHitZBeats

    So what's everyone working on?

    School. Work. Promoting my website and beats. Networking with others. Brushing up on my music theory to improve my beats!
  13. MizzHitZBeats

    Dubstep production in hip-hop music?

    I have a beat of mine that is a mixture of dupstep and hip hop. It's a really smooth track. I'll upload it soon!
  14. MizzHitZBeats

    How to make a hit song.....maybe.

    I admit, those numbers are steep! Even for the artists that are doing it big! People are going to be going the DIY route more soon. Dope post!