Recent content by g@Vin c@$h

  1. G

    I need help w/Protools & Reason y'all

    I gotta question about reason for yall. How come every time i convert the song into an actual .wav file it takes like half of the punch and reverb out of it??? it's drivin me frickin crazy.
  2. G

    a question about how roc a fella and other record companies work

    I like that idea man. I like the way you're plannin on splittin it up. Sounds real smart to me. Just never give up man. Keep that dream.
  3. G

    How to create a buzz..the producer's perspective

    I need to get a good mic.... I can kill it on a freestyle, and so can my friend man. We've been doin that shit since we were like fifteen. And wer're both 20 now. Once i get a mike ya'll are gonna hear some mad crazy ass flows man. And then to market that shit. I'm just gonna start doin...
  4. G

    A Womans 'Ass'ets Defined

    I'd have to say i'm a level three man myself... how about ya'll????
  5. G

    From Hip Hop to Sex Hop (By The Blackspot)

    Man it's all about ratings for sponsorship....for money. Think about it. If you are flippin through the channels and you see, let's say for an example booty poppin. 9 out of 10 males are going to stop for a min or two and check this stuff out. This is gonna get more people to watch this...
  6. G

    from software (FL,Reason, etc..) to MPC...

    couldn't have been said better. All that matters is tha sound.
  7. G

    CUBASE SX tracking out beats???

    It's got some real clean sound to it. How much skrilla did you get for that?
  8. G

    Aesop Rock's production

    Man I can't help but to flow to that sheit when it's playin. It just happens, but then I'll stop and laugh cause of some of the crazy ass sheit that was rapped about.
  9. G

    FTdub intro

    Damn, i never get to talk to anybody from kansas man. I guess you could say it's not bad, but for the music industry, it's bad. You ever been to Dodge? Dodge frickin sux. No bull. Manhatten ain't to bad and Lawrence is pretty cool, but western ks. HORRIBLE
  10. G

    Aesop Rock's production

    uhhhhhhhhhhh.......yea!!!!!!!!! Aesop rock is friggin bad man. They are killin it, I think that their sheit is so tight. I'm at loss for words becasue they're so bad ass!
  11. G

    18yrs old- My life determined by you guys. (Question)

    Screw sellin it...SMOKE THAT SHEIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! crackcrackcrackcrackcrackcrack yippe skippy whoooooooooooooooooooooooooaaaaaaaa...... oh yea i can't do that stuff anymore.... damnit....... this sux
  12. G

    independent or record deal

    Major deal as a producer. With my real name on nothing, and my face on nothing. Ca$h Beat$ is all you would see, and some stupid artist sellin out, but i wouldn't, plus gimme that chedda baby.
  13. G

    CUBASE SX tracking out beats???

    that's frickin badass man. congrats.
  14. G

    FTdub intro

    You got a tight job man. We never had any classes like that in my high school. Personally i think they should have classes like that in every highschool in the nation, nah.... THE WORLD! I'd really like to hear some of your beatz.
  15. G


    nah man but i will now. I love that sheit. It's tight. Hey what exactly do you have to do to get a sample cleared???? (once again off subject)

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