
  • warzone (mar 25-29) signup begins in...

how you can help illmuzik

IllMuzik is looking to get support from members in various ways, which are listed below. Please help out any way you can, it is what is helping keep IllMuzik going strong!

We no longer show any advertisements. You can read all about our decision in this thread.

  • Get VIP status next to your name.
  • More space for your beat uploads.
  • A virtual dap from Fade himself.
  • You will be able to pat yourself on the back, knowing you are helping IllMuzik every month.
  • A virtual fist bump from Fade himself.
  • You will feel great knowing that you are making the world a better place for beat makers.
  • Be the envy of your friends when you wear official IllMuzik merch.
  • Wearing our merch may or may not give you beat making superpowers!

Join IllMuzik! It's fast, easy, and free.

By becoming a member, you will be able to participate in discussions, battles, have your own beat page, get weekly newsletters, and much more.
Find out why you should join or Sign up now!
