Beat This! Archives - Battle #324

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Beat This! - Battle #324
Jun 8, 2023
Theme: Weed

crog85 - "Purple"
InsideOutBeats - "Tangerine Dream on a Friday"
Iron Keys - "Green With Envy"
Delta Skeltah - "High as a mf"
DR.O - "Weed Beat"
other (in alphabetical order)
Armani - "We Sell Weed 2"
Bandia Gotach - "Showtime"
Dosage - "Ghost"
Fury Beats - "Grandma Smokes"
NonxG - "From The Crackhouse"
PhazeLark - "Outside da Box"
SJAMBOK BEATS - "Makes Cents"
V.J. Retro - "Project High"
Wesbeats - "Sent"