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  1. C

    Tutorials 10 Great Beat Making Tips for Beginners

    I was going to as know to get started. I have a strong foundation in production and am very comfortable with producing. But I have yet to make anything hip hop related. Good stuff!
  2. C

    Adam Ivy

    I think that's the real take away even though I don't like it lol. I need to focus on myself and just keep doing what's working for me. Thanks for the reminder :)
  3. C

    Adam Ivy

    Yeah I'm not a fan of sales funnels either, way too aggressive for me. My main issue is that his accomplishments have nothing to do with music. Marketing is a universal concept, sure, but are you trying to be a marketer or musician ya know? His music money breaks down to less than min wage when...
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    Adam Ivy

    Hello all. I peeped around the forum a little bit and like the energy here. I have a reddit post calling out Adam Ivy. In short, I am not a fan, and think he's a complete fraud. I have a background in game development. I had the chance to present at E3 when I was only 21, thanks to Indies...
  5. C

    Referred here by @OGBama - What's up?!

    Hello everyone! This forum is pretty neat. Total throwback for me. I'm 29, and I feel like I haven't seen a forum like this in awhile. Everything is just socials socials socials these days. Very cool to see such a long standing community active. I'm a former E3 presenting game dev turned...