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  1. Michael_Ignite

    Finished Beat It Up! - Battle #43

    Beat 3 would be the best if sound selection was different. That melody is dope but could've been more full with some less dirty and more powerfull synths. So had to go with the 1st one.
  2. Michael_Ignite


    About 2 years now.
  3. Michael_Ignite

    Showcase - February 18-24, 2019

    Marc Dunkan - FeedBack You have a sense for melody, keep developing it, but I couldn't hear all your notes as they were sometimes clashing with other frequencies, and some of them seemed to me as they were out of key. As I heard, you probably sidechained kick with your melody in both beats...
  4. Michael_Ignite


    Grettings, I'm new to this forum. I am Trap Beatmaker and I hope to find many producers and artists to collab with! I have been recommended by @OGBama and I hope I have a good time.

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