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  1. M

    Hello again forum!

    Yo Some old timers may remember my wierd beats on the forum when I say my user name was "dnt". Time have passed and since 2003 or 2004 (when I was visiting this forum), I released a lot of music including my two first album, "Maxime Robin is a towntempo kind of guy" and "Mondrian Owns...
  2. M

    Any trackers in here?

    I just stumble over Renoise and Skale. Those two progs are made like Fast Tracker II. For those folks like me who started to "produce" with ft2, that brings memories of good old days but with a vst and vsti twist. Anybody use those prog or similar trackers for hiphop? (
  3. M

    newbie turntable question

    I would like to use some scratching in my production. I've tried scratch sampling and such but it's not like the real thing. So I'm thinking about getting a numark ttx and a not too bad vestax mixer. Please don't whine about technics being better, I know that but I have limited amount of money...
  4. M

    Vestax new toy ok, it's not that new... Definitly something I don't plan to purchase. 1099$ us for simili-scratching. But it's seems an interesting toy...
  5. M

    poratable midi sequencer

    I just bought a yamaha su-10 sampler on ebay. It's a little sampler that runs on battery. Very fun thnig really. But the sequencer (if you can call it that), really suck. So I could control it via external midi. The point in getting this, was to make noise on the fly and record snippets of...
  6. M

    pHATmatik PRO 1.1

    Is anyone using this? It's a vsti loop sampler. Like having Recycle and Dr.Rex (of Reason) in one vsti. I'll download the demo version, and if the thing run like they say, I'll buy it for sure. Around 100-150$. With that program, I would use only cubase sx without using Reason in rewire mode for...
  7. M

    encoding rm with a mac

    I'm just wondering with what software could I encode in realaudio with my mac running osx (an os9 thing could do the trick too but it would be less convenient).
  8. M

    live show setup

    I was wondering what live setup do you use (if any)? I use my laptop and ableton's live with alot of loop to do something between a live performance and a dj set. I've got a m-audio oxygen midi controller to mix/fade/trigger sample/trigger fx. I was thinking about buying the evolution uc-33...
  9. M

    dnt is 3 letters of the alphabet

    Hi I make beats for somes times now. I first touch a computer to make music when I was 14, now I'm 23. I live in Quebec City. Up north. I use an all digital setup, if I can get some money I'll get some hardware tho. Here's my setup; Powerbook G4 667 256mb, an usb quattro usb audio and midi...