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  1. hookiefree

    Guess who I'm making beats for now... check out the videos
  2. hookiefree

    alicia keys
  3. hookiefree

    Have Yall Heard This???

    I was seriously offended until he started talking about 50 cent and then I laughed.
  4. hookiefree

    Good News! Check my mix.

    A program director at one of our local stations want's to put a song we did into rotation! A lot of people (including DJs from rival stations) say she lying and PDs do that all the time, but I definately want to make sure my shyt is tight just in case. So check out the song What's Inyo Cup on my...
  5. hookiefree

    Question for the GigaGods

    The new Gigastudio supports Rewire but would it have to be on the same PC as your sequencer in order to take advantage of it? What I'm asking is is it possible to have a Sequencer PC that can access a Giga PC via Rewire the same way you can access Reason from Pro Tools? Tascam's support page on...
  6. hookiefree

    How Do You Organize Your Samples?

    The biggest blower to me is when I'm vibing and try to get an idea down but it takes 20 mins to find the right kick. Then 20 more to find the snare etc. I know most people save loops by tempo but I'm talking about 1 hitters and soundfonts. Do u have a folder with nothing but kicks, one with all...
  7. hookiefree

    Celebrity Love Connection

    Which celebrity could u see urself with? If I could only have a weekend I'd pick J-Lo, 1 night I'd pick Beyonce, 1 hour - Maya, but it's something about Vivian Green. She got something that I'm looking for.
  8. hookiefree

    What would u give for one of these?

    I wouldn't sell my soul but u could rent it.
  9. hookiefree

    What Mastering Software Do You Use?

    I'm thinking about T-Racks. I wanted to see what other people were using and what kind of results they were getting first. Do you use plugins or stand alone software? If u use plugins what's ur mastering chain look like?
  10. hookiefree

    Need Latin Percussion Samples

    Wuz up Illmuzk? Anybody know where I can get some tight Latin percussion soundfonts or samples? I'm looking for roto tom and timbales specifically. Thanks.
  11. hookiefree

    East Coastish, Dirty Southish Beat Monster

    Wuz up illmuzik? I'm mainly into R&B and Acid jazz and all that but Hip-hop was my TRUE love for a loong time. I still love the creative stuff and the straight gangsta tracks. Now there are 50,000,000 MCs and 50,000,001 producers, including me, and it's crowded as hell out here. Any 12 year...

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