Showcase - February 18-24, 2019

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Battle Points: 1
Marc Dunkan - FeedBack
You have a sense for melody, keep developing it, but I couldn't hear all your notes as they were sometimes clashing with other frequencies, and some of them seemed to me as they were out of key. As I heard, you probably sidechained kick with your melody in both beats, which is ok in EDM but not in hip hop beats. That really bothered my ear. Maybe it was just your kicks clipping which is also not very acceptable. I would also make a snare a bit louder in 2nd beat.

My beats:


@Michael_Ignite . Your beat 100 Million has a good melody, also good drums. But it is monotone. The same melody is constantly playing. Would be better if you made different parts in your beat, like a different melody to switch it up.


@EsquireMusic111 2nd beat is awesome, really like that vibe. 1st beat is cool too, but 2nd is just a killer, reminded me of Miguel x Kendrick Lamar - How Many Drinks song.
@Reddix great beat, I think the sharp synth is a bit too much in the face, can be more quiet, on the back. Just my opinion.

Here is my simple piece:



@K.D.R. Thanks for your reaction. This is useful feedback ;).

About your beat:
Like the general vibe in your beat. especially how the bass kicks in. Feel that the hihats could be a different sample, one with a higher tone for example. or just use eq to kill the mid tones and only leave the high tones. Also when you start fading/squeezing the melody near the end --> not really feeling that part. Besides that i like it.


So, backstory - I did beats for a couple of years but thought I had lost them all. I've only recently found a few of them still posted online.

Here's one:
Thanks, I was liking the feel of this also especially the artifacts from the sample, they made me want to try and make a beat out of it. Unfortunately, I saved over the beat with sounds from another sample so I'm going to have to try again and replicate what I made. The next time I give it a go ill try and do better. I checked out your beat I really like it I'm a big fan of soul beats


Thanks, I was liking the feel of this also especially the artifacts from the sample, they made me want to try and make a beat out of it. Unfortunately, I saved over the beat with sounds from another sample so I'm going to have to try again and replicate what I made. The next time I give it a go ill try and do better. I checked out your beat I really like it I'm a big fan of soul beats

I feel your pain. Been there plenty of times lol.

Thanks. Don't ask me what the sample was. That was a long time ago. I'm just happy I still had them up somewhere.
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